We are TianJiao Trade and manufacturing co***ny., we have a wide range of products such as all kind of bags and safety shoes. Our bags factory is in Quanzhou, Fujian and established in 2002 .there are around 150 employees, we are a professional and experienced manufacture. We have sampling room and we can make the samples according customer request. Our products for bags such as travel bag,backpack,school bag, shopping bag,briefcase, cosmetic bags ,pencil case and trolly bag, etc.,as far as prices co***red with other manufacturers are concerned, we are low cost and more competitive in the bags market. Our safety shoes factory is in Linyi, Shandong and established in 2000. the collection of research and development, production, marketing, integrated services, specializing in the production of PU injection safety shoes,work shoes enterprise. We have more than 380 employees and we have 3 production lines for PU/PU injection molding. The annual production capacity of more than 100 million pairs. Products in line with Chinese national (industry) standard, the United States and the European EN345 standard ANSI Z41 standards widely used in construction,machinery,oil,chemicals,electric power,food production,and other security sectors. Products throughout the country that exported to Europe and the United States, Middle East, Africa and Southeast Asia, more than 10 countries and regions, favored by the customers.
Company: |
Quanzhou Tianjiao Manufacture and Trading Co,.Ltd
Contact: |
Ms. Betty Wu |
Address: |
Jiangbin Road,Binjiang garden |
Postcode: |
Tel: |
86 595 22393029 |
Fax: |
86 595 22393029 |
E-mail: |